How To Design Your Perfect Organic Kitchen

Caryn Ganess


The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, a place for cooking, gathering, and creating memories. Designing it to be the organic place you love is easier than you think.

Embrace Being The Plant Lady (or Gentleman)

Transform your kitchen into an organic haven by embracing plant decor like potted herbs, or a vertical garden. Not only does it reduce food waste and assurance about where your food is coming from, but it adds a fresh level of charm to your space.

Switch to Sustainable Lighting and Appliances

Switch to energy-efficient LED lights for electricity savings and a longer lifespan, making them much more sustainable. Also, opening up your kitchen to allow for more natural light is a great solution to reduce the need for artificial lighting.

Add a Touch of Low VOC Paint in Natural Colours

VOC stands for volatile organic compounds, so opt for an eco-friendly paint that has natural pigments like soft creams, taupes, greys, greens and browns.

Follow the link below to learn more about how to design your perfect and unique organic kitchen.